Are you enjoying your summer? Have you had a chance to take advantage of the few sunny days we’ve been blessed with? Are you anxious to start singing again? We hope the answer to all of these is a resounding “Yes!”
Rehearsals will resume for our fall season on Thursday, September 7th at 7:00pm in the Wasilla High School chorus room. We’ll take a look at music for our Christmas concerts, have some social time with snacks provided by the board, and you’ll get to meet the much-anticipated chorus baby!
In the meantime, if you’d like another way to make sure you’re staying informed of chorus news, you can click here to join a Remind group that will allow Anna to send messages to you directly through text or email. Messages about schedule changes, special events, inclement weather, and the like can be sent to the whole group at once using this service, so head over and sign up.
Enjoy these next four weeks! We look forward to seeing you soon!