Hello Mat-Su Community Chorus and Friends,
The board and I want to thank all of you who took time to provide feedback regarding the start of our fall season. Responses were quite varied across a wide range of perspectives, making a decision about how to proceed difficult. Prospective singers were split nearly half and half on the implementation of both a face covering or vaccine requirement, and while many singers indicated being comfortable with no precautionary measures whatsoever, a significant quantity indicated they would only be willing to participate if both masks and vaccines were required.
As an organization, we do not want to alienate large percentages of our potential participants, nor do we feel comfortable interjecting ourselves into each individual’s personal medical choices. We are also very cognizant of the current load on our hospitals and health care workers, as well as the unavoidable fact that singing together is always an activity that has a high risk of spreading respiratory viruses. As such, we’ve decided to delay the start of our fall season until further notice.
The board will be meeting every few weeks to re-evaluate in the hopes that we can resume in time to prepare a program for Colony Christmas as usual. We will also revise the season’s planned program as necessary to ensure that we’ll be able to prepare a concert even if our rehearsal time ends up being only a few weeks. Thank you all for your patience and we hope we will see you soon!
Amber Sumner
Artistic Director